Friday, December 31, 2010


Finally, short of the nights whereby I work from 9am to 11.30pm. I have time to whip up dinner and do my nails (:

i'm happy (:

Garlic onion butter baked fish with spagetti

Tuquoise nails with diamontees and pearls


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Keeping the hair away

When the hair and the fringe just gets into the way, that's what has to be done to them BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

of dim sum and games

Finallly, a break after so much work, really makes me smile (:
A simple meetup of lunch at Imperial Treasure with my friends

the PwC/pwc couple.

the deloitte-ees

and a grp photo!

say cheese!
we ordered food, like loads of food, cos I was so famished. Love the char siew su and the custard bun.

and we had a games of monopoly deal at coffee bean. yip's fav 'ding si ni, ni shi huai ren'. Some script from the tv show


and property. 
if only they were all real

Merry christmas!

Seoul, Korea 
Korean postmen drive away on their delivery bikes for a gift-giving event at the Central Post Office.

Friday, December 24, 2010

A backdated post for J's 22nd

I sent you a video of me playing a piano piece "Happy Birthday" for you last year cos I was in taiwan, and this year, we got to spend it together <3 and I sang you a birthday song (:
because you are worth it
A post filled with more love, and less words (;
cos everything is in our heart

my vintage yellow car

I haven been like blogging for ages.

and it's all cos of work! boooo. coming back late just wants to make me bathe, blow dry my hair and conk out.

Went to Universal Studios last week with di.
most of the peektures are with her, so I can't post them up.

All I have is me and my vintage yellow car

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

A post full of moustaches

A street of moustache

Hello handsome, would you car to hang up my coat?
Care to moisturise my lips, MrM?

Hello, pretty

Lets be friends, mr december

Because, I have floral moustache and you don't

Moustache in an apple

Which moustache shall i choose?

Fancy some cupcakes?

Sweet moustache

skies of moustaches

cause you make me smile (: So print me and cut me up to bring a smile to your face