oversized vest ( bought for my brother, but he didn't like it, so i kept it for myself), vintage brooch, handmade The Dancing Jewels , leopard print belt, next, white skirt, malaysia, mustard bag, bkk, vintage gold watch, gifted
My nails. Isnt it bimbo? love it :p
I ordered online from taobao, with the help of my very kind friend who helped me to bring it back
Some of the order designs of the nails I ordered (:
koi (: while waiting for him to knock off after work to do shopping for his makeover at Tangs
A mini abalone dinner
Thank you, for massaging my foot when it was cramping badly, even when people were staring (:
Looks like the cramps resulting from the walking of 1.5km in heels were worth it.
After which, we went to pick his "bf" (who touched down from shanghai/shag-hai) up with a bottle of apple cider (: